NZFAP Plus Programme Tiered Structure

NZFAP Plus Programme Tiered Structure

The NZFAP Plus standard is very much a journey that suppliers join with the intention of achieving certification within a maximum period of 3 years from application. See Appendix 1 for Workflow Audit Process. The Standard has a 3-tier structure of Application, Member, and Certified.





A minimum requirement that has been met on the farm which the supplier certifies on the application and agreement form. 

1. Current NZFAP certification and assurance code.
2. Signed NZFAP Plus Application and Agreement Form.
3. Signed Application Compliance Statement.


Membership has been granted but the requirements have not been fully met, and the supplier can begin the development journey towards meeting the standard.

NZFAP Plus application and agreement and self-assessment checklist have been accepted by the CAB representing NZFAI.


The NZFAP Plus standard has been met in full.

Certification granted by the CAB.

MEMBERSHIP; 3 Tier Structure:

TIER 1. Entry Level. (Applying)

The base pre-requisite requirement for a supplier to apply for NZFAP Plus membership is...

  1. Be a current NZFAP certified supplier and hold a NZFAP Farm Assurance Code number.

  2. Provide a signed NZFAP Plus Application and Agreement Form that includes...

    1. a signed Application Compliance Statement, and 

    2. nominates the member company/s with which the supplier wishes to have a NZFAP Plus relationship. 

  3. When provided by QCONZ, fully complete within 60 days a NZFAP Plus Self-assessment Checklist that indicates the farm base position in relation to each of the NZFAP Plus Standards.

Entry Level Process.

Step 1: Complete this Application and Agreement Form and send to your nominated Meat company/s who will confirm they are happy to accept your relationship under the NZFAP Plus standard.

Step 2. Subject to your nominated Meat company/s acceptance of the relationship QCONZ will… 

  1. confirm your application and agreement has been received.

  2. sends you a link to the self-assessment checklist and inform you it must be completed and returned to QCONZ within 60 days, and that if not returned in this period your application will be declined.

Step 3: On receipt of your completed self-assessment checklist QCONZ will check for compliance and advise your acceptance as ‘NZFAP Plus Member’.

TIER-2: Member Level

This is the level for you to belong and engage in the programme, and progressively develop compliance with the full NZFAP Plus standard.

It includes a requirement for you to complete an annual Self-assessment Checklist. This is the same Self-assessment Checklist completed on membership application and needs to be updated and sent to QCONZ annually to demonstrate progress during the developing period. On receipt a copy will be provided to the Company/s for which you have an agreed relationship.

If you do not complete this Self-assessment Checklist on an annual basis your NZFAP Member Status will be withdrawn.

QCONZ will include a consolidated summary of all self-assessment checklists to the NZFAI Management Committee as part of their monthly reporting requirements.

At any time within the first 30 months of becoming a NZFAP Plus member you may request a NZFAP Plus audit this must be advised in writing to QCONZ who will arrange this within 2 months of receiving your written application.

You can only remain at this Member (Developing) level for a maximum period of 3 years, from the date of your NZFAP Plus member application acceptance, after which period you must have either…

  1. requested a certification audit, or

  2. your NZFAP Plus member status will be withdrawn.

If the certification audit identifies corrective actions, you will be granted a period to close-out any corrective action requests dependent on the corrective action criteria given by the Auditor. Failure to do so would result in the farm membership being suspended.

If you are suspended, you would be granted a ‘6-month member extension’ to correct the corrective action request. If at the end of the 6-month extension the corrective action requests are still outstanding your NZFAP Plus member status will be withdrawn.

TIER-3: Certified level

Certification to the NZFAP Plus standard is obtained by completing a full and successful on-farm audit by an independent auditor appointed by NZFAI.

NZFAP Plus certification and your farm assurance code number will be identified as per our confidentiality/privacy policy (outlined in NZFAP Plus Terms and Conditions).

Appendix 1 - NZFAP Plus Workflow