NZFAP and NZFAP Plus - New Zealand's National Farm Assurance Programmes

Our seal of origin delivers trusted and authentic ORIGIN, TRACEABILITY, FOOD SAFETY and ANIMAL WELFARE standards to our global consumers.

New audit provider

As of 1 October 2023 all NZFAP and NZFAP Plus audits will be completed by QCONZ, NZFAI’s new audit provider.  

All new NZFAP application forms should be emailed to your meat company or


The New Zealand Farm Assurance Programmes (NZFAP and NZFAP Plus) provide confidence and certainty to the millions of consumers world-wide that the meat and wool produced from New Zealand's sheep, beef and deer farms is authentic, genuine, and safe.  Collectively they provide assurances regarding integrity, traceability, animal health and welfare, people, farm and natural resources and biosecurity.

History & Ownership

The New Zealand Farm Assurance Programmes (NZFAP and NZFAP Plus) are voluntary nation-wide farm assurance programmes. They were originally developed under the Red Meat Profit Partnership (RMPP), a joint Primary Growth Partnership initiative between the New Zealand red meat sector and the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries. 

Both Programmes are now owned and managed by New Zealand Farm Assurance Incorporated (NZFAI).

Participating Members

These companies are all active participants and represent over 95% of New Zealand’s beef, sheep, deer and wool production. Each member company works with and rewards their farmer suppliers to supply NZFAP certified stock.

NZFAP Red Meat Members

NZFAP Plus Red Meat Members

Wool Members

Associate/Brand Members



With farmers audited every three years by an independent audit and certification body the NZFAP delivers to both national and international food safety standards. Additionally, the programme and independent audit body are JAS-ANZ accredited. JAS-ANZ is the government appointed ‘Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand’ responsible for providing accreditation, certification and inspection to ISO standard ISO/IEC17065.

The NZFAP incorporates three fundamental components of origin and traceability, food safety and animal welfare. 

For full details refer to the NZFAP standard or for a brief outline read more below.

Origin & Traceability

  • All qualifying livestock must be born in New Zealand.
  • All animal movements on and off farm must be accompanied by a legally binding Animal Status Declaration (ASD) and be retained for 5 years.
  • All wool transported off-farm must be accompanied by a wool bale specification sheet.

Food Safety

  • Livestock displaying signs of unusual illness or ill-thrift must be notified to a veterinarian.
  • All animal remedy treatments used, or product stored, must be recorded in detail and where administered done so by suitably trained personnel.
  • All agrichemicals and fertilisers stored or used must be recorded in detail; and where used be done so by a trained person and be applied in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and application rates.

Animal Health & Welfare

  • All livestock shall be cared for under the five freedoms.
    1. 1. Freedom from thirst, hunger and malnutrition
    2. 2. Freedom from discomfort
    3. 3. Freedom from pain, injury or disease
    4. 4. Freedom from distress
    5. 5. Freedom to express normal behaviour
  • All animal handlers will have the knowledge, training or supervision to ensure the animal’s health and welfare.
  • All farm infrastructures will be constructed, maintained and operated in a manner that minimises distress or injury to animals or humans.
  • A documented preventative animal health plan must be prepared and reviewed annually for all livestock on the farm.
  • All livestock shall have sufficient food, water, nutrients and shelter to maintain good health and welfare.

In addition to these three components member companies have the ability to add further standards to satisfy individual customer or consumer expectations, and these are known as clip-ons.  All clip-on requirements are communicated directly by member companies to their suppliers and audited at the same time as the foundation standard.


1. All NZ red meat and wool farmers become NZFAP certified.

2. All NZ red meat and wool processing and exporting companies adopt the standard.

3. That the NZFAP enhances the already high consumer confidence in New Zealand red meat and wool products.

4. NZFAP unlocks market value and harmonises standards, eliminates duplication and reduces costs.

Participation in the Programme

Currently there are circa 8,000 beef, sheep and deer farmers certified under the programme. For farmers wanting to join the programme, support is available from participating meat or wool processing companies. The benefits are numerous, and most members pay a premium for livestock that is compliant.

See our FAQs


The New Zealand Farm Assurance Programme Plus (NZFAP Plus) is a higher-level voluntary sustainability standard with three components additional to NZFAP; being People, Environment and Biosecurity.

Integrated farm planning is an integral part of this standard which has been designed to protect and enhance all resources, create better and more sustainable farming businesses and incorporate socially responsible and ethical practices. 

To participate in the NZFAP Plus, farmers must already be certified under NZFAP.


  • Ensuring farms meet all the legislation regarding health and safety, employment relations, immigration and holidays.
  • A health and safety policy will be required to identify hazards and minimise accidents, injuries and near misses.
  • Employment relations are to ensure employees have valid employment documents, wage rates and hours of work, and personal development and managing wellbeing.


  • All farms will hold a farm environment plan inclusive of; farm map, physical resources map, land and freshwater management plan, nutrient and greenhouse gas budgets, and biodiversity plan and how crops and winter grazing will be managed.
  • The farm map will cover all land features and physical resources.
  • The land and freshwater management plan addresses capability, soil health, grazing practices and water health and monitoring.
  • The nutrient budget is to establish the risk to surface and ground water N leaching and P losses while the greenhouse gas budget is about identifying methods to measure and manage emissions.
  • The biodiversity plan is all about identifying opportunities to protect and enhance terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna species.


  • Farms need to identify, manage and minimise key biosecurity risks

Taste Pure Nature

New Zealand’s promise of the purest, cleanest, most natural meat taste experience in the world. To be eligible for this brand all livestock must be certified under the NZFAP.


Venison at its purest, pasture-raised from young New Zealand deer that meet the quality standards of animal welfare, farming practice and environmental management. To be eligible for this brand all livestock must be certified under the NZFAP.

Support Documents

Contact Us

New Zealand Farm Assurance Incorporated

Registered office:
Level 4, Wellington Chambers
154 Featherston Street
PO Box 121
Wellington 6140
New Zealand

General enquiries:

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